Apollo Query Mocking Basics
I've written this blog for the same reason I've written every other blog post. I had to look this up. So now I'll have a quick access resource for it.
Ok first things first. The basic setup for testing a component that uses Apollo GraphQL Client.
Basic setup for Apollo aware component testing
import React from "react"
import { render } from "@testing-library/react"
import { MockedProvider } from "@apollo/react-testing"
import Component from "./Component"
import {
} from "../mock-query-name-generator"
describe("ComponentName", () => {
it("should do stufff", () => {
const mocks = [...mockQueryName1Generator(2), ...mockQueryName2Generator()]
<MockedProvider mocks={mocks} addTypename={false}>
<Component />
There's the basic structure. Now lets write the generators.
Write a mock generator
// mock-query-name-generator.js
import { QUERY_NAME } from "../queries"
export const mockQueryNameGenerator = (count = 1) => {
return new Array(count).fill({
request: { query: QUERY_NAME, variables: { someVariable: "the value" } },
result: () => ({ data: { queryName: { expected: "return values" } } }),
Now you can call a function to get an array of mocks. For queries that have 100+ lines of response data this makes the testing files a lot cleaner.
I generally will run the application in the browser and straight copy the real response into the mock. If the response includes any sensitive information I go through and sanitize the data to make it generic.